
2007.11.24; Mysterious Turtle Incident (A Gift from Divine; 2 Corinthians 9:7-8)

Written by Etma. Posted in 21st Century Divine Revelation

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"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him what he has done."

(Proverbs 19:17)

The sample photo above taken from internet of the turtle appeared in the incident.

2007.11.24: Divine Turtle Incident (A Gift from Divine; 2 Corinthians 9:7-8)


Date / Time :         November 24, 2007

Location     :         Refimataw Island (in the middle of nowhere), Chuuk

Witnesses  :          Moses Wengu (Stik), Ryann Mijares, Jocko Mijares, and Toin

Witness/Narrator : Ryann W. Mijares



     At about nine in the morning, I heard my Dad (Etma) telling the group of workers going back to Weno, the major island of Chuuk, to ask Erwin Mijares, (caretaker of Tunnuk beach resort) to give them at least one turtle from the fishpond in Tunnuk, as the pool in the island of Refimataw is already ready for use. Refimataw is the small island situated at the northern coral reef of Weno. We developed the island for tourism, and one attraction is to have sea creatures in the pool. About lunch time, may uncle Stik, who loves fishing tuna by trolling, invited me fishing at the ocean side of the reef. We were three accompanied him; Toin, the operator, Jocko, my brother, and me.

     It was cloudy that mid-afternoon and with rough waves when we reached the fishing ground when suddenly Toin saw a small turtle (about 12 inches in size) approached closer to our 18-foot fiberglass boat. Toin immediately grabbed with his bare hands the turtle without struggle while the three of us witnessing the incident.

     When we went back to Remitaw, we showed to Dad the 12-inch turtle. My Dad asked with fascination of what happened; then we explained the details as my dad so highly interested of the complete story.  My Dad could not believe that how such a creature to just approach the boat to be caught without struggle; so Dad asked Uncle Stik (who has passion for fishing in the ocean) that in his lifetime of fishing or anyone that he knew, that such incident ever occurred? He replied none; he added, he saw only turtles around but not going straight to the boat to be caught with bare hands. Well, my Dad, happily watched the turtle and put her in the pond (see sketch). And left us with the statement; “This must be a gift from heaven, since I asked for a turtle this morning”, and further said, "What a really very strange coincidence".


Etma’s Analysis;

  • It was extremely rare chance in the vast area of the ocean for an 18-foot fiberglass boat for the turtle to approach and wanted to get caught.
  • It was also weird that the turtle did not struggle when being taken on boat by hand.
  • In was a very strange coincidence that on the same day, I asked for a turtle and a turtle approached the boat and was caught.
  • For so many times Stik went to fishing in his life, but never had such experience; also from all those fishermen he knew.

Revelatory Message;

I came up with the idea that there was divine intervention, sending the turtle as a divine gift for me for being generous to the poor, which in turn being rewarded, as indicated in the verse below;

  • "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him what he has done." (Proverbs 19:17)

Therefore, this incident is a divine call for the rich and the strong to help the poor and the weak, as expressed in the following;

  • "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10)
  • “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)

Directly related to this Turtle Incident with the revelatory messages as shown above, are the two Fish Incidents, as in this link;

2012.02.20; Two Mysterious Fish Incidents (To Fish for People; Luke 5:10)


Below is the sketch showing the location of this turtle incident; 

Turtle Incident chuuk map_1.jpg


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