2018.12.23 to 2019.04.22; Mantis Episode in Guam
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2018.12.23 to 2019.04.22; Miraculous Mantis Episode in Guam
Period: December 23, 2018 to April 22, 2019
Location: Home, Barrigada Village, Guam
Details of the Miraculous Signs presented in chronological order:
- 2018.12.23 – Skinny Mantis Incident (Beggar Lazarus; Luke 16:19-31)
On December 23, 2018, at about 7:30 P.M. I was about to enter the house passing the sliding door, I saw a skinny mantis at the doorstep, as shown in the picture below:
The one I thought of right away is about the beggar Lazarus, since the mantis is skinny and positioned facing the dining table and as if the mantis is begging for food, just like in the parable in the Gospel, Luke 16:19-31.
Revelatory Message:
Aside from the parable of the beggar Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), the other message parallel to this incident is expressed in the following:
- Luke 14:13, "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind."
2) 2019.03.13 – Playful Big Mantis Incident
The mantis episode affirming the resurrection of Lazarus began when I saw a playful big mantis on the crafted guava branch at the backyad garden. It was tame that it crawled to my hand and I even carried it to my table nearby (see photo of the scenario).
In the beginning, before the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus love the three as friends:Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus who died and resurrected by Jesus after four days. (John 11:1-43).
3) 2019.04.11 – Dead Big Mantis Incident (Lazarus raised from the dead -John 11:38-44)
Dead Mantis Seen: April 11, 2019
Location: Home, Barrigada, Guam
On April 15, 2019, when I was on the way to backyard for gardening and passing in the sliding door on the south side of the house, I was surprised to see a big mantis at the outside kitchen (photo no. 3 & 4). I saw it lying at its back dead on top of the plastic ware at the counter. I immediately gave a slight touch and the mantis was really dead; then, I took picture (see below) before burying it.
I saw the playful mantis on top of my table at the garden and since it appeared tame, I let the mantis to crawl to my hand as shown in the picture labeled No.1. This suggests a friendly reltionship of Jesus to Lazarus.
And on April 11, 2019, I saw a dead mantis of the same type and size (photo no. 2 above). Then after four days, on Aprel 15, 2019, an alive mantis of identical size to the dead moth appeared on my table at the backyard of our home (photo no. 4 above).
Revelatory Message from the two incidents of big mantis, playful and the dead:
The above incidents of the big mantis of the same size have affirmed that Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:1-43)
4) 2019.04.20 – Small Mantis Incident (Jairus’ Daughter raised from the dead - Luke 8:49-56)
Small Dead Mantis Incident:
Dead Mantis Seen: April 20, 2019
Alive Mantis Appeared: April 22, 2019
Location: Backyard Garden, Barrigada, Guam
On April 20, 2019 at about 11 A.M, I was resting from backyard gardening and watching the miraculous fruits of the mango tree of the neighbor when I suddenly saw a small white thing slowly descending from above at the level of the roof of our house. I did not bother much but when it dropped the concrete slab, 1 foot away from me, I was amazed when I recognized it as a mantis, about 1 ½ inch in size. I picked it up right away and put on the chair to take picture, as shown below:
To my astonishment, on April 22 at 9 A.M., another young mantis appeared. I saw it on the branch of the guava tree near me while I was sitting down at the backyard ready for my hobby, gardening. I stood up at once to take a look closely and found out identical to the small dead mantis descended from above. I took a picture which is presented below;
This time, it’s alive and of the same physical description, which made me think that this must be another revelation affirming of resurrection. And since this is a young small mantis, this must be a resurrection of a young person. It took me weeks to keep thinking and searching the Scripture for the divine message.
- Mantis is not common in Guam.
- How did a dead mantis (dried but whole) descend from above, the level of the roof?
- Why dead mantis dropped exactly in front of me?
- Why in two days another alive mantis identical as the first one appeared?
Revelatory Message;
Affirming the resurrection of Jairus’ twelve-year old daughter whom Jesus raised from the dead. (Luke 8:40-56)
Take note:
Related to this miraculous signs about resurection is the Resurrection Kitten Incident affirming that Jesus was raised from the death, as in this link;
2011.05.05; Resurrection Kitten Incident (Affirming Jesus' Resurrection; Luke 24)
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