
Pope; 2018.01.04 to 2018.03.21 - Pope Francis; The Moment of Truth is Now

Written by Etman Heart. Posted in Open Letters

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"Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person."

(1 John 2:4, 


March 21, 2018

Open Letter

To:                            Pope Francis

                                 Head of the Roman Catholic Church


Subject:                    THE TIME IS NEAR 


The time is near so before it is too late, launch now your "Poor Church for the Poor", which is urgently needed as the world suffers various serious issues, especially injustice of poverty, leading to more bigger problems, such as civil wars, refugee crisis, terrorism, famine, etc..

God has spoken through the 21st Century Divine Revelation (21CDR, 2004-2018);

plus of that of the dove-raven incident, the two accidents, a lightning strike at the Vatican, as presented in the pictorial wake-up call, as follows;


With the divided world in turmoil, we need not just religious but 100% spiritual leader that can help prevent the untimely destruction of the world. Let us save humanity from losing its spiritual identity, 2 Cor. 3:3, causing the major sign of the end times;

  • "Because of the wickedness, the love of most grow cold." (Matthew 24:12)

The time is near that we need to act now. Let us start this coming Holy Week. Let us make Jesus happy by focusing on how he lived in the last three years in loving humanity rather than on his death to Calvary.

To ignore the poor is to despise God, as you proclaim, so, let us ignore Holy Week, instead, and lead the Catholics to help the sick and the weak, Mat. 25:35-36.



Shepherd Etma


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February 27, 2018


Open Letter


To:                        All Christian Religious Leaders, Churchmen, Preachers, etc.

                                Promoting Jesus Christ or Christianity


Subject:                “. . . RUN FROM THE FIERCE ANGER OF THE LORD” (Jeremiah 51:45)


·         "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. (Romans 1:18)


God has spoken, Mat. 10:20. I just pass the message from the 21st Century Divine Revelation, 2004-2018, plus of the two accidents occurred to Pope Francis. God is giving us a strong wake-up call as expressed in the pictorial messages;




The following is the Divine Call briefly expressed in the list below (based on Scripture, 21st Century Divine Revelation, & the two Pope Francis’ accidents);

·         Not to commemorate Jesus’ birth. (Christmas)

·         Not in remembrance of Jesus’ life. (Mass/Eucharist)

·         Not in observance Jesus’ death. (Lent)

In addition, a warning was also revealed as written in the Scripture;

“Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord.” (Jeremiah 51:45)

The following three miracles under the 21CDR reveal the above wake-up call and warnings;


In closing, I wish to bring these two verses, which I just newly discovered that Jesus Christ already in us;

  • Colossians 1:27, "To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
  • 2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?"

That we do not need a lot of things, like Jesus' icons for us to venerate, but for us to obey his commands, as in John 14:15.

In addition, I just wish to express a simple reminder for all of us, humans beings with hearts capable to love for us to love one another;

·     We are of one big family, humanity, in only one home, the planet earth (1 Cor. 12:12-27). Let us prevent humanity from falling apart; lets us avoid the untimely destruction of the world.



Shepherd Etma

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January 31, 2018

To                         Pope Francis

                             Head of the Roman Catholic Church

Subject:              The Moment of Truth is in the Horizon

With the dire situation of the world, it is time for the world leaders to consider, not just political, financial, etc but spiritual power that God blessed only to human beings, and not to any creatures. Human beings are capable to love one another, including enemies (Luke 6:27, Rom. 12:19-20), but world leaders used to ignore in resolving most world disputes causing humanity in disunity. This further leads to wars, crimes, terrorism, etc.. Love is not just a solution but the only solution the current disputes, especially to prevent the untimely destruction of the planet earth, as presented in Mark 13:1-8 and Matthew 24:3-12.

Hereunder, is the pictorial wake-up call addressed specifically to Pope Francis, who I strongly believe is one among the chosen ones to achieve the divine mandate revealed in the 21st Century Divine Revelation;



As one good approach to attain world peace is to launch now your "Poor Church for the Poor" and your teaching, "To ignore the poor is to despise God. They are parallel to the main teachings of Jesus, especially in attaining eternal life; Matthew 25:31-46 & Luke 19:16-21. They are urgently needed because the rich, millionaires and billionaires, are in disobedience to the following teachings and link;

Matthew. 6:19-21, Luke 16:13, James 5:1-3 

Pope Francis, emphasize the "Rich Man and Lazarus Parable", Luke 16:19-31 which is very specific to the millionaires and billionaires, and one thing notable: it is affirmed in the 21st Century Divine Revelation, the link of which is as follows;



Shepherd Etma


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January 4, 2018

To:                  Pope Francis

                       Head of Roman Catholic Church


Hereunder is the pictorial wake-up call;


One particular divine call is about the poor children worldwide dying of starvation. By statistic, there will be 21,000 children to die per day worldwide of malnutrition. The Bible has high concern for the children, as expressed in the following;

"Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." (Matthew 18:4-5)

The churchmen and preachers are more focused in the following teaching "To multiply" and not "food supply";

  • Genesis 1:28, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

And they are not interested on the second part of the Divine Will, food supply;

  • Genesis 1:29, "Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

So, from the Bible and the 21st Century Divine Revelation (21CDR, 2004-2017) I strongly believe that this must be a divine call, especially of the current revelation occurred on December 12, 2017, titled "The Monarch Butterfly Incident", as in this link;

2017.12.12; The Monarch Butterfly Incident (“God is Spirit; John 4:24)

The video of the monarch butterfly is in this link;

World leaders, political and religious leaders, used to talk about solutions to lessen or eliminate starvation and yet this is still the number one killer of humans. The Bible has a good solution, not just prayers, but for the world to flee from idolatry, such as the use of baby Jesus statue (Birth) and the "Cross (Death). Instead of the cross, concentrate on the use of the cross-like tool, the pick-mattock (as in the above photo) and obey Genesis 1:29, the part of the Divine Law.

I wish to end this Open Letter or Wake-up Call with your teachings (stated below), which I believe, if achieved, the world will have a positive CHANGE; if not, then CLIMATE CHANGE.

"Poor Church for the Poor." - Pope Francis

"To ignore the poor is to despise God." - Pope Francis



Shepherd Etma

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