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“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

(James 5:16)


2007.01.07 – Healing of the Sick Incident

Date:                      January 7, 2007

Location:                 Makati Medical Center, Makati, Philippines

Witnesses:               Dr. Eduardo Jamora, Resident Doctor, 2 Nurses on night duty on that date, Etma



On January 3, 2007, while my wife was lying on bed at about 10 P.M. she called me to come closer and told me she was feeling uncomfortable suffering of chest and back pain coupled from other chronic illnesses, like stomach ache and headache. At that time, we were at Chuuk where the medical facilities are not complete. So, we had no choice but to schedule an immediate checkup and we decided to go to Philippines the following day.

Actually, she had been suffering some of this discomfort few months ago but because of her phobia in flying she decided only now for she could no longer withstand the pain.

So, we left Chuuk the following day and we reached Manila on January 4, 2007. At first, we checked in Medical City Hospital with her personal physician, Dr. Richard de Guzman. But the next day, my wife asked to be transferred to Makati Medical Center because she preferred Dr. Eduardo Jamora, her first main doctor who has her complete medical file. So, we transferred to Makati Medical Center on January 5, 2007 with Dr. Jamora and three more doctors as her attending physicians. Series of tests were performed at once.

On the evening of January 7, at approximately 10 P.M., she suffered sudden hysteria, and I made the emergency call and a resident doctor and two nurses came at once and attended to her. The resident doctor stood by the door observing her while one nurse taking her blood pressure while she was hooked to a dextrose. The other nurse was trying to control my wife from violent movement. My wife was kind of having loud sound expressing of severe pain and would not reply to questions from us, and her eyes appeared like in difficulty of breathing. After a couple of minutes in this scenario, she got up and stood up by the side of her bed and got released from the two nurses. And at this moment, I hug here putting my arms around her to limit her violent movement, and prayed inside of me with my eyes closed, “God, please help my wife”. In a matter of two to three seconds, she stopped and became calm. Then, she moved slowly and silently to her bed, and went back to sleep, as if nothing happened. So, the doctor and the nurses just left and did not say anything.

The following day, my wife acted normal; strong and active, and even laughing as if not sick. She asked to be released which made it difficult to get an approval from her doctors. But she was persistent and insistently asking her main doctor, Dr. Jamora, for the immediate release. So, upon rush evaluation from all her doctors and found nothing serious, my wife was discharged in the afternoon, which is the day after the serious attack episode. In fact, she even went shopping to the nearby shopping mall in Makati right after her release from the hospital.


Revelatory Message;

This incident has affirmed this verse, the prayer of the righteous is effective and powerful;

  • James 5:16, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

And another thing is the manner on how to pray (Mat. 6:5-7) and revealed in this miraculous incident: 

2004.11.04; Falling Pen Incident (Praying Guidelines; Mat. 6:5-7):


Additional as of 2021:

Additional to this incident, there are about over ten sick people got healed from their illnesses from prayers, laying of hands, and using things belong to Etma. Most of them were sick of serious diseases and they were cured. Currently, they are healthy and strong.

While continue my research of the Scripture and review of the whole picture of the 21st Century Divine Revelation, I got this realization that once a person is chosen and passed the criteria of the apostleship, the following verses are true.

  • Luke 9:1-2, “When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
  • Mark 16:18, "they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
  • John 14:14, " You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

At some point, it happened too without my presence, the items I used if were taken to the sick, their illnesses were cured:

  • Acts 19:11-12, "God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them."



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